Friday, August 19, 2011
Random Facts Friday (BAM!)
So here you go:
1. the human head weighs 8 pounds. (well, not actually)
2. i often carry my back pack from home to work and back again without ever opening it. this could go on for days. the only thing i 'really' need it for is a standardized place to put my ID badge.
3. i recently discovered Edith Piaf on Pandora. i find her music pleasant to work by.
4. this halloween will be 4 years since i have had candy. and NO, chocolate chips in ice cream don't count.
5. the Chinese character that the Japanese use for Friday is the same one they use for Gold. and friday is usually pay day.
6. i love maps. i could have a room wall-papered with them and get lost for hours. days. i also have an incredibly keen sense of direction and rarely get lost, even in strange cities at night (trip home from OBX?)
7. RAN is one of my favourite movies ever.
8. i keep a picture of my Dziadziu (grandfather) on the wall near my desk. He's looking at the camera over his glasses. That picture has helped me get through some ridiculous times and sour moods. I miss him dearly (he's been gone 10+ years).
9. i don't understand why you can't buy glass front fridges for home use.
10. +1, me
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
The Nooner (not what you think!) #DoBCx !!
They love to kick your azz. And I mean that in the best way possible. They’ve developed an Extreme Boot Camp program (you’ll see me tweet with the #DoBCx hashtag) that, for the most part, uses only your body weight against you. Sound easy? Here is a sample of PART of Week One, Day One of BCX Boot Camp over at Sears FitStudio:
Step 2: The Bomb
- 20 Alternating Forward Lunges
- 20 Squats
- 10 Burpees
- 1-minute Jump Rope
- 20 Alternating Forward Lunges (Reverse in direction)
- 20 Jumping Jacks
- 10 Burpees
- 1-minute Wall-Sit
Go ahead, try it. I’ll wait. But just like Towlie says, “don’t forget to bring a towel".
I went through several days of the program, but because I have a tough time sticking to any schedule, I didn’t stay with it the whole time. I should have. At any rate, I am still a big fan of the workouts (especially since they require NO equipment!). Every so often I’ll toss one in there for a cross training day.
So when I saw a tweet last week (?) suggesting that some people give a new program a try, I printed it out and got ready to do just that. It is called “the Nooner'” because it can be done during your lunch hour, or more accurately, during your lunch half hour. Trust me, you’ll need the second half to shower. Holy. Sweat-fest. It is broken out into 3 sections: Thrash it (5 rounds), Hurry Up (1 round), and Happy Ending (5 rounds). The last one is not named accurately, IMHO. It should be called Happy that-it-is-finally Ending. Curious? Here’s the other kicker: all rounds/exercises/happymarchesthroughPurgatory are done for TIME. Yep. Against the clock. Which is kinda cool, actually. You do the workout for the first time and establish a baseline. Then you come back to it a few weeks later to see how much you’ve improved. Pretty cool, and the number comparisons are right up my alley. Alright. Here’s a peek at one of the sections. I’m not going to tell you which one it is….
100 butt kiks 25 sit ups 25 pushups 25 burpees 25 high knees
Go ahead, try it. I’ll wait. Lemme say that the whole thing kicked me to the curb. And except for the FLIPPIN BURPEES (Satan’s Revenge), I loved it. I was dripping with sweat by the middle. How long did it take me? 20:20. Yep. Here’s the link.The Nooner. Enjoy. Let me know how you do!!!!! Seriously. Give it a try. The only thing you have to lose is sweat. If you live in the Vero Beach, FL area, stop by MaxFitness and say hello to Bonnie or Steve. Tell ‘em Gene sent you!
Thanks for stopping by. #nomorebs #noexcuses
Be Well,
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Hartford's Inaugural 5k, part the second

Monday, August 8, 2011
Hartford, VT Inaugural 5K Fun Run/Walk Event (part ONE)
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Back to the woods.
Most of my family is in Baltimore until Sunday. This leaves me plenty of time to do chores to (hopefully) impress my wife, as well as get some running in. As I type, I have a load of laundry in the dryer AND one in the washer. I still have dishes to do, but I will get to them after this.
Tonight, after work, I went for a trail run. The Appalachian Trail comes fairly close to our house, and I’ve been running a section of it for a few years now (not constantly….), and have really come to enjoy this little section of the Trail. I run south, toward Georgia. Typically I turn around at the Happy Hill Shelter and make a nice 10k out of it. Click this link to go to a google map that, if I did it right, will show a mark in the middle of the woods.
During the run out, I snapped a few pics:
the trail goes down and to the left, just beyond those trees. I took this one looking back, having just come up.
This next picture is looking along the direction of travel. Gets flat for a little while at the top, but is never really ‘flat’. Running the ‘out’ portion, there are spots where you think that you are running flat, but when you are on the ‘back’ portion, it is clear that you are running down a dream hill.
At the trail junction, there are several signs. I just came from Elm Street. What a nightmare! I have never run the whole section out and back, but I have run it from w. hartford to norwich. in the snow. it was great! this has got to be one of my favourite places to run.
Back at the trailhead, my efforts are shown on my shirt: I was soaked. shirt, shorts, visor. yep. if I could just get rid of that extra skin on my neck.
thanks for hanging with me this evening. mebbe I’ll have more tomorrow. I have been trialing a SPIBELT, so I’d like to share my thoughts…
Be Well,