I am at work, so I'll just cut to the chase here...
I am thankful for:
1) my wife. not just being a sap here, but i really am. she runs the show very nicely at home, and i often struggle to keep up with her. somedays i can, some days, well, i just try like the dickens. i am thankful that she puts up with me.

2) sod. for the better part of a year, our backyard has looked like this:(minus the apartment building and other industrial looking stuff). I have been struggling (and my wife suffering) to make it look better, both for our family and for the daycare kiddos. lots of sweat, swearing, and some blood went into it, and now it looks (almost) like this:
tonight, after work, I am going to pick up 70 rolls of 2' x 5' sod. once they are all home, and the
rugrats cherubs have returned to their homes, T and I will be unrolling them around the yard, with the idea that it will look like this before we go to bed tonight:
3) i am thankful that tomorrow is Friday. I am off this weekend, and it will be nice to hang out at home, in our new park. A limited number of tickets are still available for the super slide and airplane teeter-totter, so leave a comment if you are interested!
Would you like to landscape my yard?